The Estate’s storyline revolves around a suburban community known as Echelon Estate. It has a clubhouse and a gym, and more so, it is surrounded by an 8-metre-high brick wall and tight security. Unfortunately, there is a land claim against the estate from the Thembalethu dwellers, the neighbouring township community, which makes the residents feel less and less secure. As a result, issues of identity and heritage become everyday fodder.
Directed by Sibusiso Phakathi, Fickle Mogodi and Twiggy Matiwana. Produced by Phophi Phakathi and Brenda Mukwevho Starring S’dumo Mtshali, Jo-Anne Reyneke, Sparky Sulu, Linda Sebezo, Zenokuhle Maseko, Aubrey Poo, Don Malngeni, Clementine Mosimane, Dineo Langa, Matli Mohapeloa,Nadia Velvekens, Penny Wolhurter, Mpho Sibeko, Charlie Bouguenob, Carla Classen and Jacques Blignaut